Perinatal Services
Our psychologists specialise in treating perinatal conditions in both men and women
- Depression or anxiety during pregnancy (antenatal depression / anxiety)
- Depression or anxiety after the birth (postnatal depression / anxiety)
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Birth trauma
- Grief and loss
- Adjustment difficulties around the time of having a baby – like coping with the loss of your sense of who you are
- Bipolar disorder
- Difficulties bonding with the baby (also known as attachment disorders)
If you feel as though you could do with some support, our perinatal psychologists would be happy to meet with you in the clinic or via video health.
How we work
In our first session together, we like to get a sense of how you are travelling, a bit of your history and to find out about you and your pregnancy and/ or baby. Together, we can discuss goals and work together to gradually improve your mood and/ or decrease anxiety and to gain confidence. Partners are encouraged to be involved in therapy so that they can get a deeper understanding of your feelings and support you in between sessions.
In subsequent sessions, we can help you by giving you information about what may help your recovery, and we can work collaboratively towards your goals. In addition to providing support for your feelings, we am also able to give you information to support your baby’s development and to nurture the bond between you and your baby.